Atomic force microscopy (AFM) provides a powerful nanoscopic platform for the characterization of a variety of biological and synthetic samples such as tissues, cells, membranes, proteins, nucleic acids and functional materials. Surface topography imaging can also be used to determine friction, adhesion and qualitative mechanical properties of the sample. AFM-based force spectroscopy enables the investigation of mechanical, chemical, conductive or electrostatic information of biological structures. Apart from surface topography imaging, AFM measures forces and allows to montior single molecular interactions up to the precise detection of mechanical properties of surfaces. AFM can operate in physiologically relevant conditions; therefore, it is a valuable tool in a variety of biomedical applications and research, from basic biological research to preclinical studies.
- Atomic Force Microscopes
- Fluorescence Microscope (SPT, FRAP, PALM, STORM)
- Equipment for experiments
- Bioavailability assays
- Single molecule localizations & diffusion studies