





In- & ex-vivo CT


9.4T MRI

High-Field PET/MRI

Large animal CT & MR

Body donor imaging



I. In- & ex-vivo CT

Microscopic X-ray computed tomography (microCT) allows for in- or ex-vivo 3D imaging with an isotropic resolution of up to 1 µm. It can create tomograms of samples with a diameter ranging from 1 to 75 mm. The µCT 50 is fitted with a sample changer for up to 12 sample holders. The holders range from Ø2.5 mm with a maximal nominal isotropic resolution of 0.5 µm up to Ø48 mm where 14.8 µm isotropic resolution is possible. In addition to equipment for microCT scanning, we provide protocols for sample preparation and offer extensive support in sample preparation and analysis of tomographic image data.


- XRadia MicroXCT-400 scanner
- Scanco µCT35 scanner
- Scanco µCT 50 scanner
- Scanco vivaCT 75 scanner
- Amira & Definiens XD software for 3D analysis and visualization


- Bone phenotying & measurements in laboratory rodent models
- Perfused blood vessels
- In-vivo Imaging
- Quantification of tumor volume in laboratory rodent models
- Imaging of vertebrates and invertebrates for comparative and functional morphological analyses
- Imaging of clinical veterinary samples (tumors, orthopedic samples)
- Imaging of TEM embedded samples



The Siemens Inveon small animal µSPECT/CT multimodality along with a docked µPET scanner is a nuclear medicine device providing insight into the pathophysiology of diseases in vivo. Based on explicitly synthesized radioactive probes for respective indications, molecular processes can be visualized and quantified. Due to its non-invasiveness, repeated animal scans (3R) are feasible and the evaluation of new drugs can be optimized.


- Inveon µSPECT/PET/CT (Siemens)
- Inveon Research Workplace (IRW) (Siemens)
- Hermes Medical processing PCs
- High end postprocessing PCs
- PMOD biomedical image quantification software
- Short term data storage and data transfer infrastructure



The 9.4 Tesla (Bruker Biospin 94/30) preclinical MRI system with a gradient bore size of 30 cm allows multiparametric functional imaging of small animals (sizes from mice up to small piglets). With an additional PET-Insert® (Bruker) simultaneous PET/ MRI measurements can be performed. By merging the resulting data this hybrid imaging technique provides supplementary information about the functional and molecular level of the examined tissue. A MRI CryoProbe® (Bruker) which increases sensitivity of in-vivo probes by factors of 2.5 to 5.3 compared to standard room temperature RF-coils further improves the performance of the system. The fusion with our SPECT/ CT system (see uSPECT /CT) makes the system unique and allows novel molecular insights into any given disease by fusing MRI as well as SPECT data.


- BGA 12S gradient system (mouse, rat, …)
- BGA 20S gradient system (rabbit, piglet, …)
- Motor-driven automatic positioning system
- Monitoring unit for physiological functions
- Various sizes of 4 channel array coils for heart, spine, head applications
- Different sizes of transmitter/receiver quadrature resonators for body applications
- 1H, 19F, 31P, 23Na and 13C coils for spectroscopy
- MRI CryoProbe® with MRI cryocooler, unique cryo coil working at temperatures of 20 to 35 Kelvin (-253.15 to -238.15 degrees Celsius)
- Fusion with PET / SPECT data


- High-resolution 3D imaging (Phenotyping) with various contrasts (T1,T2,T2*, diffusion, magnetization transfer…)
- Cardiac/ oncologic/ brain/ musculo-skelettal multiparametric functional, morphological and molecular imaging
- Biomarker imaging
- MRI cell labeling and tracking
- 1H, 19F, 31P, 23Na and 13C spectroscopy
- Molecular PET / MRI multiparametric functional and molecular imaging
- Development of unique contrast agents and tracers (for PET, SPECT, MRI and optical imaging)


IV. High-Field PET/MRI

PET is a functional imaging modality at the molecular level and provides valuable insights into biochemical processes in vivo. Biologically active compounds are radiolabelled, administered into subjects and images are acquired. Together with MRI, which adds anatomical information, novel insights into disease progression are possible. With three detector-rings the Bruker PET-Insert for BioSpec® 94/30 USR MRI offers a 0.7 mm resolution and is a highly precise instrument to study metabolic as well as pathological processes. In addition, it can be upgrade to a hybrid imaging device by integrating the PET-insert into the MRI system (µPET-MRI). The µPET-MRI provides preclinical in vitro as well in vivo measurement simultaneously. With the µPET-MRI it is possible to gain multiparametric imaging information on a functional and morphological basis. An anesthesia unit is integrated in the µPET-MRI system.


- µPET
- BioSpec® 94/30 USR MRI
- Radiochemistry Lab (access to cyclotron; radionuclides: 18F, 11C, 68Ga and 124I)
- Radiometabolite Lab
- Cell culture Lab
- Gamma Counter, Phosphor Imager, Cryomicrotom
- Bruker PET-Insert for BioSpec® 94/30 USR MRI


- Drug development
- Study disease progression
- Monitor therapy response
- Assess drug-drug interactions

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V. Large Animal CT & MR

The 1.5 T MR and 16 slice CT units permit in-vivo whole-body imaging of dogs, cats, body parts and horses (heads and distal phalanxes). Both units have gantry apertures of 70 cm in diameter. Tunnel length of the MR unit is 125 cm. Maximal FOV is 450 mm (x- and y-plane) and 350 mm (z-plane). The scan field of the CT unit is 50 cm, minimal collimation is 16 x 0.6 mm.


- 1.5 MR unit
- 10 coils
- 16 slice CT unit (including fluoro-CT)
- Automatic contrast application pump
- Long term data storage
- Syngo Via software for data analysis


- In vivo imaging of dogs, cats and horses


VI. Body Donor Imaging (CT, MR, US)

We provide support for native and contrast enhanced X-ray, US & CT examinations, endoscopy and photo & video-documentation of human body donor material. Imaging can be done before, during, and after a dissection/intervention. Established protocols can be modified according to the project needs.


- X-ray machine
- US machine
- CT scanner
- Endoscopy equipment
- Digital video camera


- Perfusion studies
- Volumetry
- Material performance