We are proud to announce the publication of two book chapters providing a comprehensive collection of the imaging techniques that are used in the biological and preclinical areas.
Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium
Volume 1 & Volume 2
Edited by Andreas Walter, Julia G Mannheim and Carmel J Caruana
For a detailed description click HERE
Volume 1 focuses on ex-vivo imaging. It covers all available advanced and basic light and fluorescence microscopy modalities, X-ray, electron, atomic force and helium ion microscopy, dynamic techniques such as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching as well as spectroscopic techniques such as coherent Raman imaging or mass spectrometry imaging.
Volume 2 focuses on in vivo imaging methods, including intravital microscopy, ultrasound, MRI, CT and PET. Correlative multimodal imaging, (pre)clinical hybrid imaging techniques and multimodal image processing methods are also discussed. The volume concludes with a look ahead to emerging technologies and the future of imaging in biological and preclinical research.
Austrian BioImaging/CMI has finally joined Euro-BioImaging as the official highly recommended EuBI Imaging Node of Austria!
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Published article
We are publishing several of our novel multimodality imaging pipelines to showcase their huge potential and benefits for biomedical research and diagnostics. Here we go, our second joint publication 'Multimodality imaging beyond CLEM: Showcases of combined in-vivo preclinical imaging and ex-vivo microscopy to detect murine mural vascular lesions':
Few would have thought that when Porter and colleagues used light microscopy to target their cell of interest to be analyzed in the electron microscope in the 1940s, that Correlative Imaging would develop into the thriving field it is today.
Even though the first use of Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) was established in the 1940s, it is only since the year 2000 that there has been a real surge in the application of CLEM technology. The power of CLEM is recognized in the scientific community as evidenced by the growing number of publications and dedicated sessions at scientific meetings. The field is also broadening, incorporating a multitude of other techniques including preclinical research and diagnostics, and slowly but surely the overarching field of Correlative Multimodality Imaging (CMI) is taking its place as an established technique and a research area in its own right.
In this chapter, we will look at the initiatives that are being developed within the scientific world to build a coherent CMI community, with a particular emphasis on the developments in Europe. To achieve this aim, the community will need to design mechanisms for the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and benefits, set up training schemes, and develop standards for CMI technology and its data.
Published Review
Interested in knowing more about the huge potential of Multimodality Imaging across scales from preclinical imaging down to biological correlative microscopy? Find here our newest review in Frontiers in Physics: Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences: Expanding the Biomedical Horizon