




Body Donor

Center for Biomedical Research



QIPM - Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics


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I. Body Donor

The body donor facility is housed at the Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Medical University of Vienna. It provides access to body donor material and to infrastructure for dissection, photography and video documentation.


- Dissection rooms
- Dissection Instruments
- Material


- Dissection of Body donators
- Harvesting of Biopsy material

We would like to thank all persons who support Science and Teaching by donating their dead bodies.


II. Center for Biomedical Research

The Center for Biomedical research is equipped with 4 large and 3 small animal ORs with all necessary equipment to perform state-of-the-art experimental work. This includes modern imaging systems for large and small animals, 3D echo, ultrasound and optical video systems for endoscopy. Additionally the facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art cell culture, molecular biology and histology lab. In total up to 40.000 rodents and large animals can be housed according to international standards. The facility is ISO and GLP certified and in the process of AALAC certification. Most importantly, we have dedicated staff that is able to support you with your research project including animal care takers, vets, technicians, and scientist (physiology and cardiology). 


- Siemens Cios Alpha C-arm
- Siemens Acuson 3D echo
- Storz video endoscopy
- Draeger Primus respirators
- Stoekert Heart Lung Machine S5
- Hybrid operation theater including anigiography and integrated CT scan (in the near future)


- Pyrat® system for animal breeding and documentation
- AD instruments for monitoring


III. Histopathology

Histopathology encompasses the processing methods of Histotechnology and the analytical methods of Pathology to enhance the understanding of biological phenomena and diseases processes with morphologic correlates. It can complement and confirm data obtained from in vivo observations and other imaging techniques to facilitate the bridging of preclinical and molecular approaches. We cover standard paraffin histology (processing of fixed specimen for paraffin infiltration); embedding, sectioning, staining and mounting; digitalization; and interpretation of samples.


- Tissue processor
- Embedding station
- Microtome
- Stainer
- Slide digitizer
- Immunostainer


- Pathology embryology
- Tissue biology
- Genetics (knock-out analysis)
- Drug testing
- Mouse embryos
- Cell culture preparations


IV. Imaging Radiotracers

Imaging Radiotracers provide ready-to-use radiolabelled molecules for PET and/or SPECT diagnostics. It comprises radionuclide production (cyclotron, generators), medicinal radiochemistry (automation, µ-fluidics), quality control as well as documentation thereof.


- Medical Cyclotron (16.5MeV protons; GE Healthcare)
- 4 Hot Cells (von-Gahlen & Comecer) – 2 of them with laminar air flow
- Several lead shielded fume hoods
- Multiple Radiosynthesizers: FASTlab, TRACERlab Fx C Pro, TRACERlab FxFN (all GE Healthcare); Synchrom R&D (Raytest); GRP+ (Scintomics); Nanotek (Advion); PharmTracer (EZAG)
- 7 HPLC systems (Agilent; Merck-Hitachi)
- 3 TLC scanner (Canberra Packard; Raytest)
- Gamma counter wizard² (Perkin Elmer)
- pH Meter (PTW)
- Osmometer (Wescor)
- Endotoxine tester (Charles Rivers)


- 18F-labelled PET tracers
- 11C-labelled PET tracers
- 68Ga-labelled PET tracers
- 99mTc-labelled SPECT tracers


V. QIPM - Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics

We provide consulting in medical, specifically molecular and hybrid imaging.


- Access to clinical hybrid imaging modalities (upon approval by Rad/Nuc)
- Access to pre-clinical hybrid imaging modalities (dito, PIL)
- Quantification pipelines for PET imaging in context of PET/CT and PET/MR
- Expertise in standardized and harmonized imaging protocols (mainly PET)
- Guidance to high-quality and low-frequency of artifacts imaging


- Methodological support for full quantification of PET-based biomarkers, incl. corrections for partial volume, positron range and subject motion
- Design of multi-parametric image quality phantoms
- Machine learning based prediction models for tumour phenotyping